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/ SunSoft Catalyst CDWARE 1996 May to August / Catalyst CDWARE 1996 May to August.iso / .products / Amerinex_AI / vtutor / images / lect7.gif < prev    next >
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OCR: The valucs in the Trcqucacy inage crcatcd by the Fouricr TransToIm CHI be uscd cxacily Icceastrucl the iopul This I 7 Baic Fourier Theorem thc donc bv Trcquency Tirst 101 cICaling HeC Th 0 thcn SDAEA adjusliog thc cach 10 [rcaucac wave bcighi represealcd phasc nlsel accerding thc inlemalion the Trequcacy img Addiog The Basic liourier Theorem says: togethcr all thc rcsuliing 100 will givc ihe riginal imugc 1 The information from the liourier Transform (how much of each frequency] js sufficient to ecOrStrc the original sighal exactly forany input signal More specifically the original signal can be reconstructed sim ply by adding all ofthe different freguency components The Tourier transform determines the amount amplitude] of each possible frequency 1.7& .7. WbrTLiL Weichr Ca nvolu bon Albrn ...